The answer to the title of this article is not easy. The Texas Insurance Code is about 300 pages long as of the date of this article with another 500 pages of Index and even more for Supplements. On top of the preceding, rules and statutes governing insurance are found in other books of statutes such as the Penal Code, Family Code, Transportation Code, and others.
Chapter 1651 of the Texas Insurance Code deals with long-term care insurance policies.
Medicare supplement policies are governed in part by Chapter 1652 of the Texas Insurance Code.
Various policies or certificates of insurance issued by mutual assessment companies are governed by Chapter 887 of the Texas Insurance Code. issued by non life mutual companies are governed in part by Chapter 883 of the Texas Insurance Code.
Some law related to life insurance policy beneficiaries are governed by the Texas Family Code, Section 9.301.
The Texas Penal Code, Chapter 35 deals with Insurance Fraud.
Matters related to auto insurance are found in Chapter 708 of the Texas Transportation Code.
The above is a short list of places where insurance law is found various Texas statutes.
The bottom line – call an experienced Insurance Law attorney when you have problems related to insurance.