Here is a case that is seen frequently.  It will be interesting to see if this is what all Federal Courts faced with this situation decide.  This opinion is from the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division, and is styled, Sharon Wihlenmaier v. Allstate Indemnity Company.

Plaintiff filed her Original Petition in State District Court against Allstate alleging that Allstate improperly denied her uninsured/underinsured motorist benefits (UIM) arising out of a vehicle accident.  The Original Petition states that Plaintiff seeks monetary relief over $200,000.00 but not more than $1,000,000.00.  Allstate’s policy limits for UIM benefits in the policy at issue are $30,000.00.  Allstate timely removed the case from the State Court to this Federal Court and Plaintiff filed her Motion to Remand.

Stating the law, the Court said that pursuant to 28 U.S.C., Section 1441(a), it has jurisdiction over the matter if the amount in controversy exceeds $75,000.00 and the parties are diverse.  Here, Allstate is a citizen of another state, so diversity exists.  The next issue to decide is whether the amount in controversy exceeds $75,000.00.

Life insurance claims which are denied, often end up being litigated in Federal Court.  Here is a case from the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division, which illustrates why an experienced insurance law attorney is needed, particularly when the case is going to be litigated in Federal Court.  The opinion discusses more than will be discussed here and is a must read for lawyers handling a case in Federal Court.  The opinion is styled, State Farm Life Insurance Company v. Mae Katheryn Bryant and Amy Cannon.

This is an interpleader case.  The ruling is the result of State Farm filing a Rule 12(b)(6) Motion to Dismiss and a Rule 12(b)(1) Motion to Dismiss.

Factually, Cannon and Bryant both submitted claims to recover Policy proceeds of $300,000.00 after the insured’s death.  Cannon contends that she is entitled to the policy proceeds as the primary beneficiary under the Policy.  Bryant maintains that she is entitled to the Policy proceeds as the successor beneficiary under the Policy and as the mother and heir of her son because the Insured’s and Cannon’s divorce decree did not designate Cannon as a beneficiary under the Policy,and the Insured did not re-designate Cannon as his beneficiary under the Policy after their divorce as required by Texas law.  The Court eventually ruled against Cannon being entitled to any policy proceeds.

Insurance lawyers will get frequent phone calls from a life insurance beneficiary wherein the beneficiary had a spouse who has died and that spouse had life insurance that had been obtained through their employer/work.  This was the case in a recent opinion from the Western District of Texas, El Paso Division.  The style of the case is Vanessa St. Pierre v. Dearborn National Life Insurance Company.

The facts of this case a somewhat confusing the opinion needs to be read to get what the exact facts were in this case.  However, the law related to insurance coverage when it is purchased through employment is discussed and knowing about this law is important when it comes to being able to properly discuss with clients the possible outcome in a case.

Quoting from the case:

Most insurance cases settle.  This sums up insurance lawsuits.  The State Bar of Texas has a section called the Insurance Law Section.  The Insurance Law Section puts out a quarterly journal called “Journal of Texas Insurance Law.”  A recent article discusses having an insurance company as a client and how insurance company attorneys look at lawsuit against the insurance company.  The article tells us some information about trying the case.

While most insurance cases settle.  Some are resolved at the summary judgment stage of the lawsuit.  Rarely, a case gets all the way to the courthouse.  One tested approach to trying a case where an insurance carrier is a defendant is “less is more.”  In other words, the goal is to be the voice of reason and redirect the jury away from the emotional appeals that the plaintiff can be expected to make.  The insurance company client may represent itself on TV with a duck, a lizard, an emu, or a Flo, but the cuteness of those mascots is not generally translated to a feeling of warmth toward insurance carrier defendants.

It is advised that the attorney keep a running list of potential motions in limine during the discovery phase of the case.  Discovery requests, motions to compel, and lines of deposition questions will reveal the types of evidence that a plaintiff may seek to introduce in order to color the jury’s view of your client.  Although being thorough is always a positive attribute for an attorney, be careful when relying on form motions in limine.  Courts may have standing orders governing the points raised, and judges do not appreciate rehashing issues that have already been addressed.  Similarly, it is important to narrow areas of contention in motions to avoid wasting the court’s time during pretrial hearings.  Coming to pretrial hearings prepared to argue only those points that are truly in contention will start the insurance lawyer off on the right foot with the court.

Knowing how an insurance company looks at lawsuits that result after a claim is denied is valuable.  The State Bar of Texas, Insurance Law Section, publishes a journal called Journal of Insurance Law.  This Journal recently published an article discussing how lawyers who have insurance companies as clients, look at lawsuits that result from a claim being denied.

This third part of the article discusses the depositions of a corporate representative, the adjuster, and looks at experts.

Corporate representative depositions are make-or-break propositions.  Sometimes, that choice is out of the hands of the insurance lawyer and many insurance carriers have identified particular employees for whom giving testimony on behalf of the company is part of their job description.  He or she should also have an unflappable demeanor.  In addition to selecting the right witness, it is important to ensure that the deposition topics are narrowly tailored and stated with “reasonable particularity.”  It is useful to have a conversation with opposing counsel to clarify vague topics and to limit overly broad ones, as both parties have an interest in a shared understanding of the topics at issue and bringing a knowledgeable and well-prepared representative to the deposition.  When deciding whether to involve the court, it is important to familiarize yourself with the case law on both federal and state requirements to protect your client from improper corporate representative deposition notices.  For instance, depending on the jurisdiction, it may be prudent to move for a protective order instead of simply objecting to proposed topics.  Once the deponent is selected, preparation is paramount.  It is prudent to first have fact-gathering meetings.  Since a corporate representative is obligated to present the information that is available to the company, it is useful to outline what information needs to be gathered and by whom.  After those meetings are accomplished, it is then prudent to schedule at least two face-to-face meetings with the deponent.  These sessions should allow for time to practice with mock cross-examination.  This is important for experienced deponents as well as rookies.

Knowing how insurance companies and their attorneys look at denied claims that result in a lawsuit is valuable to the attorney and his client who is suing the insurance company for the denied claim.  The State Bar of Texas is a source for some helpful information.  In particular the Insurance Law Section is a good source because it publishes articles in a publication called Journal of Insurance Law.

A recent article title “A Practical Guide To Defending A First-Party Property Insurance Claim” has good information contained within it.  Part of what it tells us is as follows:

If the plaintiff hasn’t sent a proper notice, an insurance company attorney may want to file a verified answer seeking an abatement until the demand is received.  Although proper notices do not have to be detailed, they do need to comply with all the elements set forth in Chapter 542 of the Texas Insurance Code.  Once the insurance company lawyer is armed with a specific number that the claimant will be seeking, he can better evaluate the potential range of damages the client is facing.

The State Bar of Texas, Insurance Law Section, published an article in a Journal it publishes which gives a perspective from the eyes of an insurance company lawyer defending lawsuits filed against the insurance company for denying claims.  It is good to know how they look at these matters.  Here is part of what the article tells us about what the insurance lawyer does or should do when he first receives a file.

When the insurance lawyer first gets the file his first job is to make sure you have all of the relevant documents. He should carefully review the policy to confirm he has the complete copy, including all endorsements, in effect on the date of loss.  He should also have a complete copy of the insurance carrier’s claims file, which generally consists of some sort of claims diary or journal documenting the actions taken during the claim as well as claims correspondence, estimates, evaluations, and the like.  It should be a comprehensive guide to the “who, what, when, where, and how” over the life of the claim.  He will want to determine whether the files of any independent adjusters who evaluated the claim have been incorporated into the client’s file or if he will need to get them separately.  He should also ask the client how they retain communications like emails and text messages between adjusters and insureds or vendors; he doesn’t want to see that rude or inappropriate text message for the first time at the deposition of the adjuster.

Now he needs to evaluate the case.  Insurance litigation often turns on what happened when, so a timeline can be extremely helpful in answering some important questions.  How much time transpired between the date of the claimed loss and the report to the client?  When were acknowledgements and requests for information sent to the insured?  What payments were made and when?  Since the adjuster usually has little or no independent memory of the claim, you are starting behind, while the claimant likely remembers much of the claim in great detail.  Having a clear timeline of events early on will help to figure out potential weaknesses in the case.  For instance, were there large gaps in time when the insured was waiting on a response to start repairs?  Did the insured get a timely denial letter?  Did the denial go out before the claim was even investigated?  Are there inconsistencies in dates of inspections or documents that are apparent from the claim file that would undermine the adjuster’s credibility?  Remember, it is easy for jurors to become angry at adjusters they perceive as overly bureaucratic or rude, even if they complied with the legal requirements for claims handling.  The attorney needs to be on the lookout for any behavior that will make it easier for jurors to side with the claimant if there is a question about credibility or damages.  Next, he needs to make sure that he doesn’t inadvertently produce privileged documents in the claim file.  Flag and remove those documents up front, so he is prepared when discovery starts and he can avoid drafting a privilege log at the last minute.  The same reasoning applies to documents that he might have received that are not related to the claim file.  Underwriting documents, including documents regarding reserves, may or may not be relevant in the case, but odds are they won’t be responsive to the same kind of discovery requests as claim file documents.  After the attorney is sure he has all the needed documents from the claim file, it is time to have a discussion with the client about the case.  The attorney needs to diplomatically point out any legal and factual weaknesses or potential issues before they arise during litigation.  The attorney may also be requested or required to prepare a litigation budget at this point.  Many carriers have templates the attorney is required to use, but it is often difficult to foresee the various litigation tasks and expenses that may arrive in even the most garden-variety case.  The best advice on this task—and throughout the handling of the case—is to maintain good client communication throughout the process.  Insurance carriers, like any other client, don’t like surprises.

This life insurance claim opinion is from the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division, and is styled, Wharlest Jackson v. Farmers New World Life Insurance Company.

Among other causes of action, Jackson has sued Farmers under an insurance policy for violation of the “Prompt Payment of Claims Act.” Farmers has filed a Partial Motion to Dismiss the lawsuit based on the allegation that Jackson has not properly pled a violation of the Prompt Payment of Claims Act against Farmers.  The Court reviewed the papers filed with the Court and discussed and ruled as follows.

Crystal Jackson purchased a life insurance policy from Farmers.  Wharlest Jackson was the sole beneficiary of the policy.  Crystal died in a motorcycle accident and Wharlest made a claim which Farmers denied based on alleged misrepresentations in the policy application.

This life insurance claim opinion is from the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division, and is styled, Wharlest Jackson v. Farmers New World Life Insurance Company.

Among other causes of action, Jackson has sued Farmers under an insurance policy for violation of the “duty of good faith and fair dealing.” Farmers has filed a Partial Motion to Dismiss the lawsuit based on the allegation that Jackson has not properly pled a violation of the duty of good faith and fair dealing against Farmers.  The Court reviewed the papers filed with the Court and discussed and ruled as follows.

Crystal Jackson purchased a life insurance policy from Farmers.  Wharlest Jackson was the sole beneficiary of the policy.  Crystal died in a motorcycle accident and Wharlest made a claim which Farmers denied based on alleged misrepresentations in the policy application.

This life insurance claim opinion is from the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division, and is styled, Wharlest Jackson v. Farmers New World Life Insurance Company.

Among other causes of action, Jackson has sued Farmers under an insurance policy for violations of the Texas Insurance Code. Farmers has filed a Partial Motion to Dismiss the lawsuit based on the allegation that Jackson has not properly pled violation of Texas Insurance Code, Section 541.060 against Farmers.  The Court reviewed the papers filed with the Court and discussed and ruled as follows.

Crystal Jackson purchased a life insurance policy from Farmers.  Wharlest Jackson was the sole beneficiary of the policy.  Crystal died in a motorcycle accident and Wharlest made a claim which Farmers denied based on alleged misrepresentations in the policy application.

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