Lawyers who sue insurance companies need to understand the various legal ways cases end up in State Court or Federal Court. As has been stated here many times, the insurance companies prefer Federal Court as a play ground for lawsuits. The reasons are many but what is important to lawyers who sue insurance companies is knowing ways to keep a case out of Federal Court if the case they are handling is one they would prefer to keep in State Court.
A 2022 opinion from the Northern District of Texas, Fort Worth Division, is a case worth reading. The opinion is styled, Casey and Jared Davis v. Allstate Vehicle And Property Insurance Company and Phillip Butler.
Plaintiffs were insured by Allstate and had a homeowners claim. The claim was properly submitted and the adjuster assigned to the claim is Butler. Plaintiffs sued Allstate and Butler alleging various violations of the Texas Insurance Code. Allstate removed the case to Federal Court asserting that they accepted responsibility for Butler under Texas Insurance Code 542A. The election of responsibility for Butler was filed in State Court but was removed prior to the State Court ruling on the filing.