A Fort Worth insurance lawyer needs to know when there was a misrepresentation of an insurance policy. A 1994, Corpus Christi Court of Appeals is worth reading on this topic. The style of the case is Celestino v. Mid-American Indemnity Insurance Company. Here is some of the information from that case.
Celestino is the assignee of Sabastian. The instant dispute involves Sebastian’s insurance policy, which Donald Donaho of the Donaho Insurance Agency (Donaho) purchased from Mid-American through underwriters Richard McNeil and Pro., Inc. With the full participation and cooperation of Sebastian, the Celestinos sued Mid-American.
As chief executive officer of Sebastian, Tommy Funk determines what insurance the company requires and obtains the necessary coverage. Funk maintained a primary policy for both workers’ compensation insurance and employer’s liability insurance as well as an umbrella policy for excess employer’s liability coverage. A later change in policies resulted in coverage with Mid-American.