Fort Worth insurance attorneys handling ERISA claims need to read this case from the US 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. It is styled, Killen v. Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company.
Killen worked for Covenant from 2002 until March 2009, when she claimed that neck, shoulder and upper back pain made it too difficult for her to continue. Reliance Standard administered Covenant’s long-term disability plan which is governed by ERISA.
Killen collected benefits from June 2009 to June 2011. During this time, Killen separately qualified for Social Security disability benefits. To continue receiving benefits under the Plan after two years, a claimant must be “totally disabled” such that she is incapable of performing the material duties of any occupation for which she is qualified by way of education, training, or experience. Under the contract, an insured is totally disabled if “due to an Injury or Sickness he or she is capable of only performing the material duties on a part-time basis or part of the material duties on a Full-time basis.”