Fort Worth insurance lawyers know the statutes dealing with insurance misrepresentations can be found in the Texas Insurance Code. Several sections deal with this issue. The different types of misrepresentations that are prohibited by statute are found in sections, 541.051, 541.052, 541.053, 541.055, 541.059, 541.060(a)(1), and 541.061.

These misrepresentations are also against the law under the DTPA, Section 17.46(b), which is incorporated into the Texas Insurance Code. Both the DTPA and Insurance Code prohibit misrepresentation by non-disclosure.

Section 541.051 broadly prohibits making any statement misrepresenting the terms of a policy, or the benefits, advantages, or dividends of a policy, making misrepresentations about the financial condition of an insurer, misrepresenting the true nature of any policy or class or policies, or making any misrepresentation to a policy holder for the purpose of inducing or intending to induce the policy holder to allow an existing policy holder to lapse, forfeit, or to surrender his insurance. This provision is sometimes referred to as the “anti-twisting” provision, because the latter portion is aimed at preventing one insurer stealing away the insureds of another insurer by making misrepresentations.

Dallas insurance attorneys know the statutes dealing with the requirements of time within which an insurance company must pay a claim. A 2000, Corpus Christi Court of Appeals case addresses this issue. The style of the case is, Colonial County Mutual Insurance Company v. Hector Valdez.

Hector Valdez bought a 1992 Plymouth Acclaim and arranged insurance for the car with Colonial through the Diego Luna Insurance Agency. An employee of the insurance agency told Hector that the car was insured “against theft, against accidents, against medical expenses, everything concerning the insurance.” A few months after obtaining this insurance, Hector sold the car to his son, Rene Valdez, for $7,000. Rene obtained a loan from Mercantile Bank in order to make the purchase. Hector called the Diego Luna Insurance Agency and told them Mercantile Bank would be calling them to make “changes” and “arrangements” on the insurance. Diego Luna testified that an employee of Mercantile Bank did call, and asked to verify insurance on the car for “a Mr. Valdez.” The bank was told that “Mr. Valdez” had insurance. Hector continued to pay insurance premiums on the car while Rene owned it. It is undisputed that Hector never told Colonial or Diego Luna Insurance Agency that he had sold the car to Rene. It is also undisputed that Hector was never informed, orally or in writing, that he could only insure the car if he owned it.

In November 1995 Hector’s policy was automatically renewed. On January 14, 1996 the car was stolen. Hector reported the theft and Colonial proceeded to investigate. During this investigation, Colonial discovered that Rene was the owner of the car. On March 19, 1996 Colonial sent Hector a letter informing him that “the handling of this claim is being conducted under a Reservation of Rights” because Colonial was investigating whether Hector had an “insurable interest” in the car.

Grand Prairie insurance attorneys need to know what insurance company unfair settlement practices are and how to recognize them. The Texas Supreme Court and lower courts have opinions issued describing what has happened in certain situations. However, the Texas Insurance Code has specific statutes that are helpful for insurance lawyers.

The Texas Insurance Code, Section 541.060 lists particular practices to be knowledgeable of. The statute prohibits engaging in any of the following unfair settlement practices with respect to a claim by an insured or beneficiary:

(1) misrepresenting to a claimant a material fact or policy provision relating to coverage at issue;

Dallas life insurance attorneys will encounter situations where the funds to be recovered from a life insurance policy are “inter-plead” into a court. A Texas Supreme Court opinion issued in 2007, is a must read for lawyers handling interpleader cases. The style of the case is, State Farm Life Insurance Company v. Toni Wasson Martinez.

It has long been the rule in Texas that if an insurer promptly interpleads policy proceeds, it cannot be subjected to statutory penalties for delayed payment even if it missed the statutory deadlines.

After 13 years of marriage, Ed and Linda Martinez divorced in 1994. In their Agreement Incident to Divorce, Ed agreed to pay Linda contractual alimony of $5,000 per month for ten years, with his estate to continue paying if he died earlier. Ed also agreed to name Linda as irrevocable beneficiary on three life insurance policies, providing that he could drop those policies or change beneficiaries so long as the unpaid alimony amount was covered.

Arlington insurance attorneys who handle disability policy claims would want to read this 1978, Beaumont Court of Appeals case. It is styled, Lone Star Life Insurance Company v. Griffin.

Griffin testified that as he was returning to his home from his farm, he passed by his drugstore. As was his custom, he entered the store to see if everything was normal (having been burglarized several times in the past). He smelled smoke which he found to be coming from the rear of his building. He testified that he emptied his fire extinguisher but his efforts were futile; that he was trying to get out of the building when an aerosol can exploded in his face; that he lost consciousness while upon the floor of the store near a door, and regained consciousness later in a hospital in Jasper.

Dr. Lee Popejoy testified as to his treatment of Griffin beginning at about two in the morning following the fire. He told of finding external burns on several parts of Griffin’s body but the most serious injury was to his lungs from the inhalation of smoke and fumes. Griffin was hospitalized for several weeks and testified that he was unable to do any work for several months thereafter.

Arlington lawyers handling insurance disability claims need to know all the places to look to find law helpful to their client. This includes not only the Texas Insurance Code, but also the Texas Administrative Code.

But first, a case helpful to disability case understanding is a 1970, El Paso Court of Appeals case styled, Travelers Insurance Company v. Solomon.

Solomon received a jury verdict in his favor against Travelers for anticipatory breach of an insurance contract. The contract was an accidental disability policy issued by Travelers. Under the policy Travelers agreed to pay the sum of $200.00 per month during the period of any total disability sustained by Soloman which commenced within 30 days after he received accidental injuries. The policy defines ‘total disability’ as meaning an inability of the insured to perform any and every duty pertaining to his occupation during the first 24 months of any period of disability; thereafter, the term is defined to mean complete inability of the insured to engage in any and every occupation or employment for wage or profit.

Dallas life insurance lawyers need to read this 1979, Amarillo Court of Appeals opinion. It is styled, Allied Bankers Life Insurance Company v. Mary De La Cerda.

On December 27, 1976, Paul A. De La Cerda secured a $9,000 group credit life insurance certificate from Allied. The certificate contained a statement that the insured had not been, nor was being, treated for certain diseases and that he was in good health.

On February 3, 1977, insured died. The cause of death was diagnosed as acute myocardial infarction superimposed upon a previous anterolateral infarction. The bank filed its claim under the certificate, which was denied by Allied. Thereafter, the bank assigned its interest to Mrs. De La Cerda.

Lawyers and attorneys handling insurance claims in the Dallas and Fort Worth areas need to be able to discuss subrogation issues with clients who have been injured by third parties. Bloomberg Businessweek published an article on April 7, 2015, that discusses this issue. It is titled, “How An Insurer Is Taking Money From The Fan Beaten At Dodger Stadium.” Here is some of what it tells us.

First he was assaulted for wearing the wrong team’s clothes. Then he was sucker-punched by the insurance system.

Four years ago, Bryan Stow was a strapping paramedic who spent his days off biking with his son and daughter. That was before March 31, 2011, when he and three friends made the mistake of wearing San Francisco Giants garb to an Opening Day game against the rival Los Angeles Dodgers at Dodger Stadium. They were harassed and threatened in the stands. Afterwards, two Dodgers fans beat Stow so savagely in a parking lot that doctors had to induce a coma to save him. He was hospitalized for seven months.

Palo Pinto County insurance lawyers need to understand life insurance.

Life insurance pays a stated amount of benefits to the beneficiary upon the insured’s death. Typically, the policy has a “face amount” that is, a stated value that is payable. Some policies may offer increased benefits if the insured dies from certain causes. For example, some policies pay “double indemnity” benefits if the insured dies in an accident.

“Term” policies pay a fixed amount stated in the policy. Whole life policies accumulate cash value. On the other hand, if the policy allows the insured to borrow against the policy, the death benefit may be reduced by the amount of any outstanding loans.

The life insurance application must be attached to the life insurance policy. Any experienced life insurance attorney in the Dallas and Fort Worth area can tell you this. It is emphasized in a Texas Supreme Court case in 1975, styled, Johnson v. Prudential Insurance Co. of America.

This is a lawsuit to collect benefits under a group life insurance policy. The insurance company resisted payment on the ground that the deceased insured willfully deceived the company by her statements made in procuring coverage; the company has obtained favorable findings to support this defense. This appealed followed.

Katherine Johnson was a teacher who obtained insurance upon her life under a group policy issued by the Prudential. She applied for insurance coverage on November 12, 1968. Prudential issued its certificate for her coverage, effective January 1, 1969. The amount of the original benefit was $10,000; it was raised to $12,000 in April of 1969 and then to $15,000 in 1970. Katherine Johnson died on November 16, 1970; her husband was the beneficiary on the insurance contract and brought this suit against the insurer on June 25, 1971.

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