Dallas area attorneys handling life insurance benefits under an ERISA plan need to read this 5th Circuit opinion. It is styled, Judy Hagen v. Aetna Insurance Company; Hewlett Packard Company.
David Hagen was an employee of Hewlett and had life insurance coverage under a company benefits plan administered by Aetna.
The terms of the Policy state that to receive payment under the accidental death benefit provisions, Aetna must receive proof that, inter alia, death “was a direct result of a bodily injury suffered in an accident.” The Policy states that an “accident” is “a sudden and external trauma that is; unexpected; and unforeseen; and is an identifiable occurrence or event producing, at the time, objective symptoms of an external bodily injury.” To qualify as a covered “accident,” an occurrence or event “must not be due to, or contributed by, an illness or disease of any kind including a reaction to a condition that manifests within the human body or a reaction to a drug or medication regardless of the reason the insured has consumed the drug or medication.” The Policy defines “injury” as “an accidental bodily injury that is the sole and direct result of . . . an unexpected or reasonably unforeseen occurrence or event . . . or the reasonable unforeseeable consequences of a voluntary act by the person.” The Policy specifies that “an injury is not the direct result of illness,” and defines illness as “[a] pathological condition of the body that presents a group of clinical signs and symptoms and laboratory findings peculiar to it and that sets the condition apart as an abnormal entity differing from other normal or pathological body states.”