Fort Worth insurance lawyers need to read this 5th Circuit opinion. The case is styled, Cox Operating, L.L.C. v. St. Paul Surplus Lines Insurance Co.
In this Katrina pollution clean-up coverage case, the 5th Circuit sheds a bit more light on the proper method for calculating an insurer’s delay penalty under Texas’ Prompt
Payment of Claims Act (the “Act”). Along the way, the court also determines whether a one-year cost-reporting requirement was an absolute, unwaivable condition precedent under a policy, or whether the insurer could, and did, waive it by anticipatorily denying the claim. The principal issue regarding the Act is whether, under a first-party property-damage policy, the 18% penalty begins to accrue multiple times as each new cost invoice is submitted to the insurer, as is probably the case with defense invoices under a liability policy, or whether the insurer’s first violation of a deadline under the Act starts the clock for the total amount of the claim ultimately determined. As discussed below, the insurer lost on all issues.