ERISA lawyers will tell you that sometimes determining whether or not a plan is an ERISA plan or not can be confusing. The U.S. Southern District, Houston Division, issued an opinion that needs to be read on this issue. The style of the case is, Williams v. United Healthcare of Texas, Inc.
Williams had medical coverage under her employer plan for Retirees and Other Eligible Individuals (“the Plan”) with United Healthcare of Texas, Inc. and administered through UMR, Inc. Williams suffered from serious acid reflux pain and was diagnosed with esophageal diverticulum and hiatal hernia. Williams’s doctors determined that her condition would require surgery. On September 8, 2014, Williams entered the hospital and was released the following day. Five days later, Williams suffered complications from surgery and returned to the hospital. Williams remained under doctor’s care from September 13, 2014, to October 13, 2014. On September 17, 2014, and October 3, 2014, Williams received confirmation from Defendants that additional surgery was medically necessary. Williams was later transferred to the hospital. On November 3, 2014, Williams received correspondence from Defendants authorizing the additional medical procedures in Houston. Williams alleges that Defendants later denied her coverage under the Plan despite authorizing the treatment on multiple occasions.
Williams filed a lawsuit. Defendants removed the case to Federal Court based on Williams claims being pre-empted by ERISA.