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Life Insurance And Divorce
Life Insurance and divorce have to be reconciled when an insured dies. There are many issues that arise in these situations. Here is a 2023 opinion from the Eastern District of Texas, Sherman Division that is a necessary read for any attorney handling life insurance cases wherein an insured dies after a divorce. The opinion is styled, Transamerica Life Insurance Company v. Holly L Moore and Jeffrey H. Simpson.
This is an interpleader action wherein Transamerica owed money after an insured died but was uncertain to whom the money should be paid. The competing claimants are Moore and Simpson.
In February 2018, the Decedent purchased the policy at issue. At the time that he purchased the Policy, the Decedent identified himself as single, and he was engaged to marry Moore later that fall. The Decedent designated Moore, his then-fiancée, as the primary beneficiary of the Policy and Simpson, his father, as the Policy’s contingent beneficiary.