Home owners in Grand Prairie, Arlington, Pantego, Fort Worth, Lake Worth, Dallas, Mansfield, De Soto, Duncanville, and other places in Texas would naturally wonder at times about exactly what types of coverages they have on their homeowners policies. Of course the answer is a lawerly “it depends.”
One case to look for in guidance for part of the answer is found in the case, Gomez v. Allstate Texas Lloyds Insurance Company. This is a 2007, Fort Worth Court of Appeals case. This is a liability insurance dispute concerning coverage under a homeowner’s policy for bodily injury arising out of a “four-wheeler” all terrain vehicle. One of the issues was the trial court’s interpretation of the scope of the policy’s recreational vehicle exception to the motor vehicle exclusion. Another issue was whether or not Allstate had a duty to defend the lawsuit that had been filed.
The Gomezes sued Jamy and Lara Johnson for injuries alleged to have occurred when Austin Gomez (6 years old) was a guest at the Johnson’s home, and Jamy placed Austin on a four-wheeler with no protective gear and allowed him to operate the vehicle. The lawsuit papers allege that Austin lost control and “went over an embankment.” The lawsuit alleges several things that the Johnson’s did wrong in contributing to the cause of this accident.