Anytime a person buys insurance coverage for their automobile in Texas, they are given many options. These options include choices related to collision coverage, coverage for towing, rental cars, and even life insurance, to mention a few. No matter where you buy automobile coverage in Texas, whether it is Dallas, Fort Worth, Arlington, Grand Prairie, or in Weatherford , you are also given the option to buy uninsured / underinsured beneits and personal injury protection benefits also known as PIP.
In discussing PIP coverage, one should know that this coverage is regulated in the Texas Insurance Code, Sections 1952.151 thru 1952.161.
Section 1952.151 says that PIP provides payment of all reasonable expenses that arise from an accident for: A) necessary medical care, B) lost income for a wage earner, and C) reinbursement for reasonable expenses for essential services ordinarily performed by the injured person. An example of this last one would be reinbursing an injured person for having to pay someone to mow his yard because his injuries prevented him from doing it himself.