Pursuant to Texas Insurance Code, Section 1103.151 and Section 887.205, a life insurance beneficiary who willfully participates in bringing about the insured’s death, either as a principle or as an accomplice, forfeits any right to benefits. The benefits are payable to any innocent contingent beneficiary or to the insured’s nearest…
Dallas Fort Worth Insurance Lawyer Blog
Life Insurance Beneficiary — Spouse
What are some of the rules related to the naming of a spouse as the beneficiary in a life insurance policy? One spouse can designate his or her estate as the beneficiary of the policy, at the expense of the other spouse, absent a showing of actual or constructive fraud. …
Persons Entitled To Life Insurance Benefits
Who is entitled to life insurance benefits? This may seem an easy answer and is most of the time, but not always. According to the Texas Supreme Court and Texas Insurance Code, Section 1103.102, the designated beneficiary of a life insurance policy generally is entitled to the proceeds upon the…
Life Insurance – Effective Date
It is not an issue seen often by life insurance lawyers, but it does come up. When is the date coverage is in effect? Most policies expressly state the “effective date” of coverage. This date may be earlier than, or later than, the date the first premium is paid or…
What Life Insurance Policies Cannot Do
The Texas Insurance Code spells out in law a few things that life insurance companies cannot do in their life insurance policies. Between the Texas Department of Insurance and the Texas Legislature here are a few things that are written into law. A policy of life insurance cannot limit the…
Life Insurance Areas Of Dispute
Life insurance coverage is fairly straightforward. If the insured dies during the policy term, the insurer pays the benefits. The following reasons are some ways that disputes may arise: An agent may misrepresent the benefits of his insurer’s policy to induce the insured to switch from another company. An agent…
Types Of Life Insurance
Common life insurance types are term, whole life, and universal life. “Term” policies simply provide a death benefit in return for a premium payment. At the end of the policy year, or “term,” the insurance ends, and the policy has no value. Term policies do not accrue cash value. Because…
Your Duties After A Homeowners Loss
Texas insurance lawyers need to know what an insured’s duties are after a loss. One of the most common homeowners policies for Texas home owners is an HOB policy. The HOB policy requires that the insured cooperate with the insurer’s investigation of the claim by promptly submitting notice of the…
Forced Insurance
The New York Times published a story in July 2017, about forced insurance on autos. The title of the story is Wells Fargo Forced Unwanted Auto Insurance On Borrowers. More than 800,000 people who took out car loans from Wells Fargo were charged for auto insurance they did not need,…
ERISA And Quick Time Limitations
Quick time limitations in ERISA policies are not unusual. Failure to follow the limitations can be fatal to a claim. This is illustrated in a Houston Division, Southern District opinion styled, RedOak Hospital LLC, v. GAP Inc., and GAP Health and Life Insurance Plan. RedOak sued GAP under ERISA, Section…