
Dallas Fort Worth Insurance Lawyer Blog


Uninsured and Underinsured Coverage

Uninsured and Underinsured motorist coverage is required to be provided in automobile insurance policies according to the Texas Insurance Code, Section 1952.101(b).  However, this coverage can be rejected as long as the rejection is in writing, according to 1952.101(c).  This coverage is designed to compensate injured persons who are legally…


Personal Injury Protection – Coverage Answers

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage is different than other types of injury coverage. PIP coverage exists if the insured or their family member is struck by a “motor vehicle” designed for use mainly on public roads or a trailer of any type according to the 1984, Houston Court of Appeals…


Auto Insurance – PIP – What Does “Occupying” Mean?

To be covered under most auto insurance Personal Injury Protection (PIP) provisions, a person needs to be “occupying” a vehicle. “Covered person” as used in PIP coverage means the named insured or any family member while occupying or when struck by a motor vehicle designed for use maily on public…


What Is A “Motor Vehicle Accident” For Purposes Of P.I.P.

Personal Injury Protection or PIP is insurance that can be purchased with auto insurance .  It is unique in its coverage. One Texas court has construed “motor vehicle accident” narrowly in the context of PIP coverage.  Specifically, it held that “motor vehicle accident” does  not include all accidents that occur…

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