Most claims filed with insurance companies get paid. The insured is happy and the insurance company is moving on to the next claim and collecting premiums. Honest people cannot understand why an insurance company would not pay a claim made by one of their customers. The Insurance Journal published an…
Dallas Fort Worth Insurance Lawyer Blog
Handling Insurance Cases – 9 – End Of Trial
There are two important phases at the end of a trial – the jury charge and the closing statement. Most courts will not approve a jury charge until after the close of all evidence. Therefore, the charge conference will often take place once a jury has been dismissed for the…
Handling Insurance Cases – 8 – Witnesses
First party insurance cases are unique. Filing complaints with the Texas Department of Insurance is usually a waste of time unless the complaint has something to do with a criminal act on the part of the insurance company. The Texas Insurance Code, Chapters 541 and 542, among others are helpful.…
Handling Insurance Cases – 7 – Talking To The Jury
Experienced Insurance Law Attorneys will try their fair share of cases. Maybe they will average 1 to as many as three a year. Knowing the Chapter 541 and Chapter 542 of the Texas Insurance Code are vital to going after insurance companies for wrongs they have committed. Resourcing the Texas…
Handling Insurance Cases -6- Picking A Jury
An insurance law attorney can know Texas Insurance Code, Chapter 541 and 542 and any other statute that apply but when it comes to trying an insurance case, they need to know how to pick a jury. Most lawyers agree that a case is won or lost during the jury…
Handling Insurance Cases -5- Exhibits For Trial
Exhibits for a trial in a first-party insurance case need to be well thought out and planned. Almost all courts require the attorneys to attend a pre-trial conference for the purpose of admitting or making rulings on proposed exhibits. Most exhibits are agreed or ruled upon by the Judge at…
Handling Insurance Cases -4- Opposing Attorney – Your Client
For Insurance Law Attorneys there are two other aspects that are important in the case. 1) opposing counsel and 2) your client. The relationship with the insurance company lawyer makes a difference as far as how smoothly the case is processed. Most of the lawyers involved on both sides in…
Handling Insurance Cases – 3 – Going To Trial
Insurance lawyers know they have to look at every case as if it will go to trial. An attorney has to always keep the client informed as a reasonable timeline of events such as the initial paperwork or discovery. Times when to expect to take depositions and attend a mediation…
Handling Insurance Cases 2 – Taking The Insurance Case
Insurance lawyers need a good process for taking on a case. This includes a good intake sheet and a thorough discussion about the case. I. One issue to discuss is the number or prior claims that the client has had in the past. What repairs were competed? An insurance company…
Handling Insurance Cases 1 – Screening The Case
Attorneys handling insurance claim denials and their clients, need to understand some basics about what needs to be done when a claim is denied. Before reaching the court house steps, in most cases, the parties should consider possible resolutions to avoid trial. The client may not always have the best…