Insurance lawyers will often get a call from a potential new client and this potential new client describes a pretty good case against the insurance company. But as the discussion progresses the attorney learns the event the potential new client is describing or relating to the attorney happened many years…
Dallas Fort Worth Insurance Lawyer Blog
Insurance Cases – Burden Of Proof
So, who has the burden of proof in an insurance case, the insurance company or the insured. Like most issues in the law, it depends. According to the 1994, San Antonio Court of Appeals opinion styled, Telepak v. United Service Automobile Association, the insured has the initial burden to prove…
Insurance And Examination Under Oath
There is a part of the claims handling process that insureds need to be wary about. That part is when an insurance company asks the person making a claim to submit to an Examination Under Oath (EUO). If the insurance contract provides for it, the insurance company may require an…
Accelerated Death Benefits Rider
Most life insurance policies have a section / rider that allows for an acceleration of the life insurance benefits. It is also a source of litigation because the life insurance companies have a strong tendency to deny claims made for these benefits. published an article on this subject in…
Appraisals And Insurance
Most property insurance policies contain appraisal clauses. These clauses define a process for appraising the value of the damaged property, if the parties cannot agree. Common provisions call for each party to choose an appraiser. Those appraisers then choose a neutral third appraiser, called the umpire. If the parties or…
Suing The Adjuster Properly In Federal Court Is Tough
Here is another one of those cases where an insured sues the insurance company and the adjuster in State Court for various violations of the Texas Insurance Code. The insurance company a adjuster then remove the case to Federal Court alleging that the adjuster has not been properly sued. This…
Insurance And Proof Of Loss
Insurance policies require that the insured cooperate with the insurance company investigation of a claim. Part of that cooperation includes filing a written proof of loss. This filing of a proof of loss is a precedent to enforcement of the policy as explained in the 1926, Texas Supreme Court opinion…
Interpreting An Insurance Policy – Mechanical Breakdown
The San Antonio Court of Appeals issued an opinion in a case wherein the facts were similar to what happens all across the State of Texas in auto cases. The opinion is styled, Infinity County Mutual Insurance Company v. Michael Tatsch. This is a summary judgment opinion wherein the sole…
Home Owners Insurance Policy And Collapse
Do homeowner insurance policies cover a collapse of the home? It sounds like a simple question but as is illustrated in a 2020, opinion from the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division, it is not as simple as it looks. The opinion is styled, Beatrice Stewart v. Metropolitan Lloyds Insurance…
Filing A Proof Of Loss
Attorneys who handle insurance claims know that almost all insurance policies have a cooperation clause in them. This means that the insured has a duty under the policy to cooperate with the insurance company in its investigation of the claim. One of these duties is to file a proof of…