Insurance lawyers can tell a client that proper pleadings, especially in Federal Court, are essential to being able to have a day in Court. This is illustrated in a 2020, opinion from the Eastern District of Texas, Sherman Division. It is styled, Albion Investments, Inc. v. Travelers Casualty Insurance Company…
Dallas Fort Worth Insurance Lawyer Blog
Insurance Denial Attorneys – Cattle?
Here is a case that may apply to many of the rural areas of Texas. The case is a 2020, opinion from the Corpus Christi Court of Appeals and is styled, State Farm Mutual Insurance Company v. Rolando Lopez, Individually and Rolando Lopez D/B/A R&A Transport. This is an appeal…
Insurance Claims Denial Lawyers – Bad Faith And Pleading Requirements
Here is a claims denial opinion worth reading. It is a 2020 opinion from the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division. It is styled, DFWS, LLC v. Atlantic Casualty Insurance Company. Atlantic insured DFWS. DFWS alleges it suffered damages as the result of a tornado and high winds. After making…
Insurance Claims Denial Lawyer – Bad Faith Pleadings
Here is an opinion from the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division, that discusses the pleadings in a lawsuit where in the property owner claims to have suffered hail damage and the insurer denied the claim. The opinion is styled, Valtex Properties LLC v. Central Mutual Insurance Company. The insured,…
Insurance Claims Denial Attorneys – ERISA
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) offers many of the same types of insurance coverage for individuals as other plans. The distinctions with ERISA is that the plan is a plan for employers to offer to employees that is set and governed by Federal Law rather than…
Insurance Claims Denial Attorney – Lawsuits
It is easy to get focused on the factual parts of a lawsuit. In other words, what happened, who did what, who said what, etc. As insurance lawyers, the legal aspects of the lawsuit need to be watched carefully. This is illustrated in the November 2020, opinion styled, Tim Long…
Insurance Claims Denial Attorney – Life Insurance
Well, here is a case where the claim isn’t denied. In fact it was paid. But now the insurance company is suing the person who received the money and seeking to have the money returned. The opinion is a 2020 opinion from the Western District of Texas, San Antonio Division,…
Insurance Claim Denial Attorney – ERISA
The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) provides various kinds of insurance to employees. The important thing for insurance lawyers to know about ERISA is that it is governed by Federal law and it preempts State law. This is illustrated in a 2020, opinion from the Western District of Texas,…
Claims Denial Lawyers – Claims Manuals
Virtually all insurance lawyers would like to see the “claims manual” each insurance company has made for its use. Being able to access that claims manual is discussed in a 2020 opinion from the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division opinion styled, Jose Chavez v. Standard Insurance Company. Chavez had…
Claims Denial Lawyer – Life Insurance
When Life Insurance claims are denied, a beneficiary should always have an insurance attorney look over the reasons for denial. Most the time an experienced life insurance lawyer can find a way to make a recovery on the case. But, sometimes it doesn’t work out. An opinion form the Southern…