Fortunately, most insurance claims do not require expert testimony to prove a claim. However, in those situations where an expert is required, a 2021 opinion from the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division, is a good case for guidance on experts. The opinion is styled, Roy P. Labourdette Jr. v.…
Dallas Fort Worth Insurance Lawyer Blog
Penalty For Slow Payment Of A Claim
Insurance Companies are supposed to promptly make payment of claims made by an insured. A May 2021, case from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals confirms this. The style of the opinion is Hyewon Shin v. Allstate Texas Lloyd’s. In this case, the insured, Hyewon Shin asserted a claim for…
Insurance Lawsuits And Counter-Claims
Insurance Lawsuits, like many other claims, result in other persons or entity’s being added to the lawsuit. The relevance here is that often times an adjuster or the agent who sold the policy may need to be part of the lawsuit. A 2021, opinion from the Northern District of Texas,…
Life Insurance Attorney For Claims Denial
There are a few statutes in the Texas Insurance Code that are specific to life insurance policies. These statutes are found in Sections 705.001 through 705.105. For an insurance company to deny coverage on a life insurance policy based on a misrepresentation in an application, the insurance company has traditionally…
Life Insurance Policy And Grounds For Rescission
Life Insurance claims attorneys need to understand the important distinction between statements by the insured that are considered to be representations and those considered to be conditions precedent. If the insured’s statement is considered a representation, a false statement alone will not let the insurer avoid coverage. Each of the…
Life Insurance Attorney And Insurance Company Attempts To Rescind a Policy
Life insurance lawyers deal with many situations and reasons that life insurance companies use for denying a claim for benefits. A twist to not paying is where the insurance company does not technically deny the claim, rather the company rescinds the policy. As a general legal principle, prior to a…
Claim Denial Attorneys – The Insurance Agent Lied To Me
Insurance lawyers often see situations where the agent selling the insurance policy made false representations regarding the policy at issue. Here is how the Courts look at these situations. According to the 1990, Texas Supreme Court opinion styled, DeSantis v. Wackenhut Corp., a false representation must involve an existing or…
Insurance Agents – Fraud
Claims denial attorneys know that many claims arise because an insurance agent committed a fraud when selling the policy. A fraud cause of action requires proof of the following elements: 1. a material representation was made; 2. the representation was false; 3. the speaker knew it was false or made…
Insurance Company Liability For The Acts Of An Agent
The vast majority of insurance policies are sold by insurance agents. So, are the insurance companies responsible for the acts of these agents? The first step to determine whether an insurance company is vicariously liable is to determine whether the agent who engaged in the conduct was acting as the…
Insurance Lawsuits Under Texas Insurance Code, Section 542A.006
Here is another lawsuit litigated under Texas Insurance Code, Section 542A.006. The opinion is from the Western District of Texas, San Antonio Division, and is styled, Farzin Tabib and Shahla Afshar v. Metropolitan Lloyds Insurance Company Of Texas and John Crouch. The Court is asked to consider two motion. A…