Insurance lawyers learn real quick the difference between a case being litigated in Federal Court versus State Court. This is illustrated in a 2021 opinion from the Western District of Texas, San Antonio Division. It is styled, Craig Janssen v. Allstate Vehicle & Property Insurance Company. This is a claim…
Dallas Fort Worth Insurance Lawyer Blog
Life Insurance Denial – Incontestability
Life Insurance Lawyers have many potential clients where in the basis for denial of the claim is that insured made a misrepresentation in the policy application within two years of making the application. This two years is called the contestability period. After two years the policy is supposed to be…
Life Insurance Claim Denial – Rescission
Here is a life insurance case wherein the insurance company attempts to have the Court agree to rescission of the policy. It is a 2021, opinion from the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division. The opinion is styled, Pruco Insurance Company v. Blanca Monica Villarreal – Transamerica Life Insurance Company…
Insurance Lawyers And The Texas Insurance Code
Insurance lawyers need to be keeping up with the way courts are interpreting the new Texas Insurance Code, Section 542A. This is discussed in this 2021 opinion from the Northern District of Texas, Amarillo Division. The opinion is styled, Ashlee Green v. Allstate Vehicle and Property Insurance Co. Here, Plaintiff…
Insurance Lawsuits – Extending Deadlines
Here is a 2021, opinion from the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division, wherein the insurance company missed a deadline and tried to excuse the mistake. The styled of the opinion is, Aldo Cueller v. Safeco Insurance Company of Indiana. Aldo sued Safeco in state court for breach of contract…
Insurance Lawsuits – What Can You Learn?
Insurance lawyers can listen to a client’s perspective on what happened in a claim but often times will not understand the extent of wrong doings by an insurer until a lawsuit has been filed and the discovery process completed. In this regard, exactly what is discoverable in a lawsuit? The…
Insurance Trial Lawyer
Insurance lawyers can read this opinion to find out, exactly what Not to do in a trial. This 2021, opinion is from the San Antonio Court of Appeals. The opinion is styled, Sarah Friend Neutze v. Texas Farmers Insurance Company and James ‘Doug’ Wasson, II. What this case teaches is…
Appraisal And Delays In Paying A Claim
The United States 5th Circuit Court of Appeals issued an opinion on August 12, 2021, that is noteworthy for Insurance Law attorneys. The opinion is styled, Randy Randel; Debra Randel v. Travelers Lloyds of Texas Insurance Company. After a fire at their home, the Randels filed a claim for benefits…
Hail Damage Claims – You Have To Prove The Damages
Here is a 2021, opinion from the Western District of Texas, San Antonio Division, where the insured made a claim for hail damage against its insurer but did virtually nothing to prove the damage was caused by hail. The style of the case is, 343 West Sunset, LLC v. Seneca…
Delay In Paying An Insurance Claim
A Federal Court for the Western District of Texas, Midland/Odessa Division issued an opinion in 2021, that deals with the Texas Prompt Payment of Claims Act (TPPCA). The style of the opinion is long. We will call it Woodcrest Capital, LLC, et al v. Zurich American Insurance Company. The TPPCA…