Fort Worth insurance lawyers have to be able to prove, with evidence, the value of claims presented. The Corpus Christi Court of Appeals issued an opinion that dealt with evidence in a claim in September of 2013. The style of the case is, Hennen v. Allstate. The case is an…
Dallas Fort Worth Insurance Lawyer Blog
Insurance Law Attorney
Residents of the Dallas Fort Worth area and everywhere need to make sure they hire an experienced Insurance Law Attorney when they are dealing with a dispute involving an insurance company. The San Antonio Court of Appeals issued an opinion in the case styled, Clark and Nancy Sadler v. Texas…
Different Policy? Same Coverages?
Dallas area insurance attorneys need to be aware of the opinion issued by the Houston Court of Appeals, First District of Texas, in August of 2013. The style of this case is Houstoun, et al v. Escalante’s Comida Fina, Inc. Here is some background information. Between 2003 and 2008, Escalante’s…
Insured’s Fixing Problems
Texas insurance attorneys will find this news from the Texas Supreme Court helpful in advising clients how to proceed in situations where a condition exists and can get worse over time. The news is from The Southeast Texas Record and the title of the article is, “Texas SC: Insurer Must…
Fraud And Misrepresentations In Insurance
Grapevine insurance attorneys need to be able to recognize when fraud or misrepresentation occurs in the insurance context. To accuse an insurance agent or insurance company of fraud there needs to be proof of the following elements: 1) a material representation was made; 2) the representation was false; 3) the…
What If The Insurance Agent Does Something Wrong?
Fort Worth insurance lawyers need to be able to look at the facts of a case and determine whether or not the insurance agent can be held liable for his actions. One thing to keep in mind as was stated in the Corpus Christ Court of Appeals case, In re…
What Is The Agent’s Responsibility?
Fort Worth insurance lawyers when presented with a claim being denied will want to see if the agent who sold the insurance policy did anything wrong. The case law in Texas is pretty clear in that insurance agents have no general duty to obtain insurance nor to make sure the…
Interpreting An Insurance Policy – It Can Be Tough
Dallas insurance attorneys will run across situations wherein it is hard to understand and advise how the law applies based on the facts of the case when applied to the policy language. The United States District Court, N. D. Oklahoma, issued an opinion in July 2013 that illustrates how complicated…
Insurance Law And Negligence
Grand Prairie insurance lawyers need to understand how negligence works in an insurance case. Negligence in the insurance context as in other situations, consists of three elements. These are: 1) a legal duty owed by one person to another; 2) a breach of that duty; 3) damages proximately resulting from…
Exemplary Damages In DTPA and Insurance Cases
Tarrant County lawyers need to be able to understand the case facts that will get them to exemplary damages. To know the difference between the threat of and the reality of getting them based on what transpired in the case. Texas case law clearly allows for the recovery of exemplary…