
Dallas Fort Worth Insurance Lawyer Blog


Is A Falling Object A Collision

Grand Prairie insurance attorneys might? run across this situation. This is an opinion from the Dallas Court of Appeals that was issued in 1965. The style of the case is, Great American Insurance Co. v. Lane. Both parties filed motions for summary judgment. Great American’s motion was overruled. Lane’s motion…


Physical Contact Requirement

Tarrant County insurance lawyers should understand the “physical contact” requirement in an auto insurance policy that provides uninsured motorist (UM) coverage. This requirement was the issue in the 1995, Texas Supreme Court case, Republic Insurance Company v. Stoker. Here is some of the relevant information. This is a summary judgment…


What Is A Motor Vehicle

Arlington insurance attorneys will be called on by potential clients to discuss how an insurance policy is interpreted. Especially so when a claim is denied. As it relates to the use of the term “motor vehicle” in an insurance policy, the 1985, Fort Worth Court of Appeals case, Western Insurance…

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