
Dallas Fort Worth Insurance Lawyer Blog


Who Can Recover Life Insurance Benefits “Slayer’s Rule”

What if the person who is the named beneficiary of a life insurance policy, intentionally caused the death of the insured?  Who gets the money? Pursuant to the 1987, Texas Supreme Court opinion, Crawford v. Coleman, a beneficiary who willfully participates in bringing about the insured’s death, either as a…


Suing Adjuster And 543A.006(b)

Suing insurance adjusters has been made clearer after the courts have made rulings interpreting Texas Insurance Code, Rule 542A.006(b).  This is addressed further in a 2022, magistrate’s ruling from the Northern District of Texas, Abilene Division.  The opinion is styled, David Buttross d/b/a FL20, Inc. vs. Great Lakes Insurance SE.…

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