Life insurance lawyers know that a beneficiary of a life insurance policy must have an “insurable interest” in the life of the insured. Those who have an insurable interest in the life of another fall into three general classes: (1) one so closely related by blood or affinity that he…
Dallas Fort Worth Insurance Lawyer Blog
Who Can Recover Life Insurance Benefits “Slayer’s Rule”
What if the person who is the named beneficiary of a life insurance policy, intentionally caused the death of the insured? Who gets the money? Pursuant to the 1987, Texas Supreme Court opinion, Crawford v. Coleman, a beneficiary who willfully participates in bringing about the insured’s death, either as a…
Bona Fide Dispute On Homeowners Claim
It is important in an insurance lawsuit whether or not the insurance company is subject to being sued for bad faith claims handling or whether or not there is a bona fide dispute about coverage. A bona fide dispute rids the lawsuit of claims related to bad faith issued. This…
Fallen Tree Damage To Roof – Damage Segregation
The law clearly in Texas clearly places the burden on segregating damages on the insured. This issue is discussed in a 2022 opinion issued by the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division. The styled of the opinion is Benham Bagheri v. State Farm Lloyds. This is a first-party insurance coverage…
Is Your Insurance Plan Governed By ERISA?
How does an insurance lawyer know whether or not his insurance plan is governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974? Here is a November 2022 opinion that discusses how to determine whether or not an insurance plan is governed by ERISA. The opinion is from the Western…
Life Insurance Policies And Beneficiaries
Who is the named beneficiary primary beneficiary under the policy and will that person always be the person who receives the policy benefits is a question many life insurance attorneys are asked by prospective client. This issue is discussed in a 1981 Eastland Court of Appeals opinion styled, Pilot Life…
Life Insurance Benefits And Spouses
Are spouses always entitled to life insurance benefits when the other spouse dies? Life insurance lawyers need to be able to discuss this with prospective clients. One spouse can designate his or her estate as the beneficiary of the policy, at the expense of the other spouse, absent any showing…
Hail Claims – What Caused The Damage
Hail damage claims are a frequent source of litigation. The insured says the damage occurred in the last storm. The insurance company says the damage is wear and tear or occurred in another storm under a different insurance policy. The argument about when and how the hail damage occurred generally…
Suing Adjuster And 543A.006(b)
Suing insurance adjusters has been made clearer after the courts have made rulings interpreting Texas Insurance Code, Rule 542A.006(b). This is addressed further in a 2022, magistrate’s ruling from the Northern District of Texas, Abilene Division. The opinion is styled, David Buttross d/b/a FL20, Inc. vs. Great Lakes Insurance SE.…
Suing Insurance Agent
Suing insurance agents who do wrong is something an insurance lawyer needs to look at closely. Here is a 2022, opinion from the Southern District of Texas, McAllen Division, that deals with an insurance agent. The opinion is styled, J & G Trejo Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Best Medical Supply vs.…