
Dallas Fort Worth Insurance Lawyer Blog


Home Owners Policy Defininitions

Parker County insurance attorneys have to know how courts interpret definitions contained within policies. A recent Houston Court of Appeals [1st Dist.] case helps as it relates to the definition of “you” in a homeowners policy. The case is styled, Hodges v. Safeco. Here is some of the relevant information.…


Insurance Fraud Cases

Hudson Oaks insurance attorneys need to be able to distinguish between real insurance claims and fraud claims. The Insurance Journal published an article in April that discussed insurance fraud in Texas. Here is what the article tells us. Texas Department of Insurance Fraud Unit opened investigations into more than 550…


Deleting Vehicle From Insurance Coverage

Insurance attorneys in the Dallas and Fort Worth areas need to know about a recent United States Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals decision. It is styled, Bituminous Casualty Corporation v. The Travelers Indemnity Company; Frontier Mining & Material, L.L.C. Here is the relevant information. Travelers issued a commercial automobile insurance…

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