Dallas and Fort Worth insurance lawyers need to be able to explain to clients the different responsibilities insurance company’s have regarding settling cases. A 1999, U.S. 5th Circuit case is worth reading. The style of the case is, Travelers v. Citgo Petroleum. Here is what it says. Travelers issued three…
Dallas Fort Worth Insurance Lawyer Blog
Named Property In An Insurance Policy
Fort Worth insurance attorneys will tell you that they need to know a few things to be able to properly discuss the legal aspects of a claim with a potential new client. One, what are the facts of the claim. Two, what does the policy say. And three, how do…
Exclusions In An Insurance Policy
Grand Prairie insurance lawyers need to know how “exclusions” in an insurance policy work. This is partially explained in a 1994, San Antonio Court of Appeals case. The style of the case is, Telepak v. United Service Automobile Association. Here is the relevant information from the case. The question before…
What Happens When An Insurance Company Denies A Claim
The answer to the above question when asked of a Dallas insurance attorney will result in an answer of, “it depends.” There are many factors that come into play when trying to understand the consequences of the denial. The worst result for the claimant and best result for the insurance…
Denial Due To Late Payment
Tarrant County insurance lawyers need to know the circumstances that will allow coverage when a late payment of premiums is in the picture and times when the late payment does not make a difference. A 2005, Amarillo Court of Appeals case is a good opinion to read. The style of…
Fraud In Insurance By Doctors
Tarrant County Insurance Lawyers will see situations where a health insurer turns down claims. Those same attorneys sue health insurance companies for mis-treating claimants. The Insurance Journal ran a story that shows the doctors doing wrong. The title of the story is, N.Y. Doctor Found Guilty In Massive No-Fault Insurance…
Who Is Insured Under An Insurance Policy
Mansfield insurance lawyers have to be able to read an insurance policy and advise a client about what the policy means. A 1998, Houston Court of Appeals [1st Dist.] case shows how this court interpreted a policy. The style of the case is, Sears, Roebuck and Co. v. Commercial Union.…
How Are The Policy Limits Paid?
An insurance attorney in Grand Prairie will run across a situation where a loss has been the result of multiple causes. When this happens, how are the policy limits determined is a question that needs to be answered. All situations are different and each case needs to be examined on…
Claims Denial Under Reservation Of Rights
Insurance lawyers in Saginaw and other Dallas and Fort Worth areas should be able to discuss with a client the significance of a Reservation of Rights letter from an insurance company and what it means. One aspect of this is discussed in a 2003, United States 5th Circuit Court of…
Uninsured Motorist And Vehicles Available For Regular Use
Fort Worth insurance lawyers need to know how Texas insurance law applies when presented with a certain set of facts. As it relates to Uninsured Motorist coverage, a San Antonio Court of Appeals case is important to know. It is a 1990, opinion styled, Briones v. State Farm. Here is…