Here is a life insurance case that went to trial in 2023. The case is styled, Mirna Guzman v. Allstate Assurance Company. The case was tried in the Northern District of Texas, Amarillo Division. Allstate filed a declaratory judgment action against Guzman to have the life insurance policy she had…
Dallas Fort Worth Insurance Lawyer Blog
Hail Damage Claims – Unfair Settlement Claims
Hail damage claims result in lots of lawsuits. Here is a 2023 opinion from the Western District of Texas, El Paso Division. The opinion is styled, John Kazanjian and Patricia Kazanjian v. State Farm Lloyds. State Farm had made a settlement offer that was substantially less than what Plaintiff’s felt…
Bad Faith Insurance Law Firms And Attorney Fees
Bad Faith Law Firms will have a frequent question asked of them. That question is, “Can I Recover My Attorney Fees.” One segment of the attorney fees question is addressed in a 2023 opinion from the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division. The opinion is styled, Gilbane Building Company, Inc.…
Bad Faith Attorneys Handling Commercial Claims
Bad Faith lawyers who handle commercial policy claims will want to read this 2023 case. This case is from the Southern District of Texas, Corpus Christi Division. It is styled, Laguna Enterprises, LLC v. Westchester Surplus Lines Insurance Company, et al. A big difference between commercial policies and the policies…
Bad Faith Insurance Lawyers – Recovering Extra
Bad Faith Insurance Attorneys need to read this 1988, opinion from the Texas Supreme Court. The opinion is styled, Vail v. Texas Farm Bureau Mut. Ins. Co. This case involves a house burning down. A claim was made for the homeowner insurance benefits and the insurance company denied the claim. …
Bad Faith Life Insurance Denial
Imagine this. A life insurance claim is denied. The beneficiary goes to an attorney who makes sends a demand letter to the life insurance company demanding payment and monies for their bad faith actions. In response to the demand letter the life insurance company sends the policy proceeds, plus interest. …
Life Insurance Claim Denial Attorney – Pecuniary Interest – No Blood Relationship
Can someone who is not related by blood have a pecuniary interest in the life of another as it relates to life insurance policy? This answer is discussed in a 1942, Texas Supreme Court opinion styled, Drane v. Jefferson Standard Life Ins. Co. Here is what the court discussed in…
Life Insurance Claims Denial Attorney – Insurable Interest
Who are those who have an insurable interest in the life of a person? The answer is usually obvious, but not always. Here’s an answer. Those who have an insurable interest in the life of another fall into three general classes: The first category is one so closely related by…
Hail Storm Damage And Experts
Hail claims are a frequent source of litigation. Sometimes and expert is needed in these cases. The issue of using an expert in a hail damage case arose in this 2023 opinion from the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division. The opinion is styled, Mohamed Bakri v. Nautilus Insurance Company.…
Claims for Late Payments – Insurance
Insurance claims for late payment are a frequent issue when someone sees an insurance lawyer about the way they have been treated in an insurance claim. This late payment issue is addressed in a 2023 opinion from the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division. The opinion is styled, Craig Collins…