Dallas lawyers handling hail damage claims need to be aware of the actions taking place in Austin. A recent article from the Insurance Journal needs to be read. The title of the article is, Attorneys, Insurers Facing Off Over Hail Litigation In Texas. Here is what it tells us about…
Dallas Fort Worth Insurance Lawyer Blog
Insurance Agent Liability In Mineral Wells
Mineral Wells insurance lawyers already know about this case from the Eastland Court of Appeals. It is styled, Spurlock v. Beacon Lloyds Insurance Company. Kelly Spurlock (Spurlock), as legal representative for the Estate of J.O. Spurlock, brought suit against Beacon to recover proceeds under a homeowner’s insurance policy for the…
Mineral Wells Home Owners Claim
Mineral Wells insurance attorneys probably already know about this case. It is an Eastland Court of Appeals case styled, Spurlock v Beacon Lloyds Insurance Company. This case involves the interpretation of a homeowner’s insurance policy. The Court had to construe a policy to determine if coverage exists for a personal…
Giving Notice To The Insurance Company
Insurance lawyers in Aledo Texas will tell you that you need to give notice to your insurance company as soon as possible when you know of a potential claim. The United States 5th Circuit dealt with this notice issue recently in a case styled, Berkley Regional Insurance Company v. Philadelphia…
ERISA And Contributing To Impairment
North Richland Hills insurance lawyers who handle ERISA claims need to read the 2015, 5th Circuit Court of Appeals opinion styled, George v. Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company. There are a couple of issues in the case but only the issue in the title above will be discussed here. George…
Disability Claims And ERISA
De Sota insurance lawyers who handle ERISA claims need to read this opinion issued by the United States 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. It is styled, Robert George v. Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company. Reliance denied George’s claim for benefits for two reasons, one of which will be discussed here.…
Underinsured Coverage And Pain And Suffering
Mansfield lawyers who handle underinsured motorist claims will make claims for medical bills, lost wages, and paid and suffering. So,what about the paid and suffering aspect of a claim – is it compensable? The general rule is Yes. However, a Houston Court of Appeals case styled Calderon v. Home State…
Hail Claims – Removal To Federal Court
Mansfield attorneys handling hail damage claims can tell you that the insurance companies are always trying to have lawsuits in Federal Court rather than State Court. Here is another opinion on that issue from the US Court, Northern District, Dallas Division. The style of this case is Ocotillo Real Estate…
Hail Claim – Declaratory Judgment
Burleson lawyers handling hail damage claims will know that insurance companies try to get cases into Federal Court. The US District Court, Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division issued an opinion in a case, illustrative of this tactic. The style of the case is, Tudor Insurance Company, et al. v.…
Storm Damage Claims
Dallas insurance lawyers handling storm damage claims need to dread a recent opinion from the US District Court, Southern Division Texas, Houston Division. The opinion is styled, Nasti v. State Farm Lloyds, et al. This is an insurance case arising from alleged storm damage to Nasti’s home which State Farm…