Credit Life Insurance policies always list specific termination times. Here is a 1985, San Antonio Court of Appeals opinion that deals with credit life insurance and the issue of when the policy terminated. The opinion is styled, Eagle Life Insurance v. G.I.C. Insurance Co. This lawsuit was tried before the…
Dallas Fort Worth Insurance Lawyer Blog
Life Insurance – Date Of Termination – Claims Denial Attorney
Credit Life Insurance is the type of policy at issue in this 1979 opinion from the Fort Worth Court of Appeals. The opinion is styled, Leach v. Eureka Life Insurance Company of America. Tommy Leach took out a loan from a bank and as part of the loan agreement, Tommy…
Force Placed Insurance Policies
Force Placed Insurance Policies are unique. The biggest thing to know about these policies is that their purpose is to protect the lender, not the homeowner. This is illustrated in a 2023 opinion from the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division. The opinion is styled, Peter Garcia v. Great American…
Life Insurance And More Than One Beneficiary – Life Insurance Claim Denial Attorney
Here is an unusual life insurance situation. It is an opinion from 1992. The opinion is from the Amarillo Court of Appeals and is styled, Ester Belle Medlin, Appellant v. Earnest G. Medlin, Floyd W. Medlin, Brenda E. Burford and Carolyn E. Medlin, Appellees. The question to be determined in…
Bad Faith Lawyers – Was There A Settlement Agreement
Here is a 2023 opinion from the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division worth reading when it comes to determining whether the insurer and the insured have reached a settlement agreement. The opinion is styled, Brenda Kirby and Gary Kirby v. State Farm Lloyds’, Evan Kingery, and Kimberly Scholes. The…
Bad Faith Insurance And Claims Expert
Here is a case discussing bad faith insurance and a claims expert. This is an 2023 opinion from the Western District of Texas, San Antonio Division. The opinion is styled, PMJ Bleu Terre Management, LLC v. AmTrust Insurance Company of Kansas, Inc. AmTrust filed a Motion to Strike Expert, PMJ’s…
Hail Damage And Experts
Hail damage claims sometimes require experts to assist in the claim. This is the case in a 2023 opinion from the Western District of Texas, San Antonio Division. The opinion is styled, PMJ Bleu Terre Management, LLC, v. AmTrust Insurance Company Of Kansas, Inc. AmTrust filed a motion to exclude…
Hail Damage – Cosmetic Exclusion
Hail damage claims are common and the wording of “Cosmetic Damage” exclusions that apply to these types of claims are important for an insurance attorney to understand. This issue is discussed in a 2023 opinion from the Western District of Texas, San Antonio Division. The opinion is styled, Charles Wall…
Insurance Company Delay In Paying A Claim
When an insurance company delays in paying a claim, there are often times remedies. Each case has to be looked at to determine what can be done. This issue is discussed in a 2023 opinion from the Southern District of Texas, Victoria Division. The opinion is styled, Naomi Odom v.…
Who Is The Insurance Agent An Agent Of – The Insurer Or Insured
Most insurance lawyers would think an insurance agent is the agent of the insurance company. But, there are situations where the insurance agent is the agent of his customer. Here is a 2023 opinion wherein this topic is discussed. The opinion is from the Thirteenth Court of Appeals and is…