Texas insurance lawyers need to know when an insurance agent is liable for what he says or does not say and when he is not liable. This is partially illustrated in a 2000, San Antonio Court of Appeals case styled, Nwaigwe v. Prudential Property & Casualty Insurance Company. Moses Nwaigwe…
Dallas Fort Worth Insurance Lawyer Blog
Reservation Of Rights Letter
Dallas insurance attorneys need to be able to understand “reservation of rights” letters. A 1999, Dallas Court of Appeals opinion discusses an issue with these letters. The opinion is styled, Aetna Casualty & Surety Co. v. Naran. On July 28, 1986, Naran’s home, garage and two cars were destroyed in…
Yes, Insurance Companies Cheat
Insurance Companies Cheat. Yes,it’s true. Insurance law attorneys see this all the time. While the majority of claims are handled in a competent manner and the policy holder is at least partially satisfied with the outcome, insurance lawyers are constantly confronted with the situations where the insurance company is doing…
Life Insurance And Illegal Drug Use Exclusions
Life insurance lawyers will have clients approach after a claim for life insurance benefits has been denied because of a denial based on an exclusion for use of illegal drugs. A 2016, 5th Circuit opinion is a good read for how the courts look at these situations. The style of…
Allegations In A Lawsuit
Weatherford insurance lawyers need to understand how to properly make allegations when filing a lawsuit. The Fort Worth Division, Northern District of Texas issued an opinion wherein it is pointed out allegations were not properly made. The opinion is styled, Mark Buettner, et al., v. USA Gymnastics, et al. Bailey…
Disability Policies And Lawsuits
Attorneys who litigate disability claims need to read this case from the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division. It is styled, Larry Frederick v. American Heritage Life Insurance Company. This case will help an attorney understand some of the burdens put on the insurance company. In October 2012, Frederick was…
Is Your Child Covered Under Your Policy?
Insurance attorneys in Dallas and Fort Worth need to be able to give advise on the above question. An Austin Division, Western District case is a good read for attorneys. The style of the case is, State Farm Fire and Casualty Company v. Clayton J. Neuman. Clayton Neuman was the…
Insurance Companies Push For Arbitration
Insurance law lawyers can tell you to be aware of arbitration clauses in your insurance contract. These usually favor the insurance company. The Austin-American Statesman published an article titled, Consumer Groups Oppose Insurance Company’s Push For Arbitration. Government and private sector consumer advocates are calling on a state regulator to…
Hail Claim And A Jury Trial
The Insurance Journal published a good article in 2014 that gives a perspective on a jury trial. It is worthwhile reading for hail claims lawyers. The article is titled, Juror Witnesses Firsthand What the Hail Is Going on in Texas. Alejandro Stolarski is a United States citizen who emigrated from…
Hail Claims And Insurance Companies
Lawyers who handle hail damage claims will want to read this article. It was published by the Insurance Journal in February 2015. It is titled, Attorneys, Insurers Facing Off Over Hail Litigation In Texas. The vestiges of twin hailstorms that ravaged the south Texas coast in 2012 are now blowing…