
Dallas Fort Worth Insurance Lawyer Blog


Prompt Payment Of Claims Statute – Other Issues

The Texas Prompt Payment of Claims statute is helpful to claimants when an insurance company drags it feet on paying a claim.  This statute is found in the Texas Insurance Code, Sections 542.051 – through 542.061. When an insurance company reasonably requests information from a claimant, deadlines are postponed until…


Claims Against Insurance Companies – Not Just Bad Faith

Insurance transactions tend to resemble one another, so disputes arising from them tend to resemble one another.  There are only so many ways that an insurer and an insured can get crossways.  Most cases present recurring problems that can be grouped into categories.  Insurance law is even more precedent-driven than…


Life Insurance = Misrepresentation – 3

Life Insurance claims denial attorney are well aware of this 2023 opinion from the Texas Supreme Court.  The opinion is styled, Arce v. American National Insurance Company. In the opinion the Texas Supreme Court discussed “intent.” American National argued that, because the Texas Legislature included the word “intent” in other…

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