
Dallas Fort Worth Insurance Lawyer Blog


Exclusions In Homeowners Policies

Fort Worth insurance attorneys will advise their clients to carefully read the exclusions in their homeowners policy. A 2006, Houston Court of Appeals [14th Dist.] case illustrates why. The opinion is styled, Fire Insurance Exchange v. Sullivan. The insured brought suit against Fire Insurance Exchange for breach of contract, bad…


What Is An “Occurrence” In An Insurance Policy?

Arlington insurance lawyers need to understand the definition of “occurrence” as used in an insurance policy. A 1998, San Antonio Court of Appeals opinion lends some insight into how the Courts look at that definition. The opinion is styled, Foust v. Ranger Insurance Company. In 1994, Foust farmed various tracts…


Does An Insurance Agent Have A Duty To Obtain Additional Coverage

Arlington insurance lawyers need to understand the situations where an insurance agent has responsibility to his customer and when not. A 1996, Fort Worth Court of Appeals cases discusses this issue. The case is styled, Sledge v. Mullin. On January 25, 1988, Ruby Sledge notified her insurance agent, Mullin, that…

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