
Dallas Fort Worth Insurance Lawyer Blog


Underinsured Claim And Consent

Garner and Brock insurance lawyers who handle underinsured claims need to read this opinion from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.  The opinion is styled, Gaspar Gonzalez v. Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company. Gonzalez sued Philadelphia for underinsured motorist benefits after Philadelphia refused to pay the benefits because Gonzalez failed to…


Cooperating With Insurance Company Investigation

Insurance lawyers know to tell their clients to cooperate with their insurance company investigation of a claim.  Failure to cooperate can void the coverage.  This issue was litigated in a Southern District, Houston Division case styled, Rosie’s Chicken & Waffles Restaurant, et al v. Acceptance Indemnity Company. In a jury…


Insurance Company Denying Claim – What Next

When an insurance company denies a claim they have certain responsibilities under the Texas Insurance Code.  Insurance lawyers know to immediately check and see if the insurance company has properly performed their responsibility. Texas Insurance Code, Section 542.056(c) states that if the insurer rejects the claim, the notice required under…

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