Here is one for an insurance attorney to answer. A potential new client comes in the door. This person says they were drinking and got drunk, then they punched a friend in the face causing injury. The friend sues for the harm that was done and your potential new client…
Dallas Fort Worth Insurance Lawyer Blog
Hurricanes And Flood Insurance
Palo Pinto residents may not think they will ever need flood insurance but those living around the Brazos River may think otherwise. In any event, knowing what is going on in the hurricane and flood insurance industry is helpful for insurance law attorneys. The Insurance Journal published an article in…
Policy’s That Exclude Drivers
One situation insurance lawyers see often is where a person is involved in an accident with another driver and the other driver is at fault. When it comes to making a claim against the insurance company for the other driver, you find out the other driver does not have coverage…
Uninsured / Underinsured Cases
Lawyers who handle uninsured and underinsured motorist (UM) cases need to read this 2016, Corpus Christi Court of Appeals opinion. The case is styled, In re Luna. In this UM case, the Court conditionally granted a petition for mandamus where the insured sought to obtain the deposition of State Farm’s…
Hail Claims – Prompt Notice
For lawyers handling hail damage claims, a Southern District, McAllen Division opinion is an interesting read. The case is styled, Gloria Martinez v. State Farm Lloyds. Martinez’s claims arise out of a storm that damaged her property in 2012 or 2014. It is undisputed that Martinez first gave notice of…
Properly Suing The Adjuster
Insurance lawyers will usually attempt to keep their clients cases in State Court rather than Federal Court. Trying to do so and being successful at doing it are two different matters. Here is a case where it was successful. It is a Southern District, Houston Division opinion. The case is…
Uninsured Motorist Coverage And Workers Comp
An insurance law lawyer might be asked how uninsured motorist coverage works with workers compensation insurance. One way that it works is explained in a 2016, Austin Court of Appeals opinion. The opinion is styled Soledad v. Texas Farm Bureau. Soledad was a passenger in a vehicle owned and leased…
Hail Claims And Discovery
Lawyers who handle hail and storm claims need to read this 2016,case from the Beaumont Court of Appeals. It is styled, In Re Windstorm Association, Brush Country Claims, Ltd., and David Guitierrez. This is a mandamus proceeding wherein the parties named above allege the court abused it’s discretion by compelling…
Federal Court Pleadings
Brock insurance lawyers who help people with hail and storm claims need to read this opinion from the McAllen Division. The opinion is styled, Claudia Cavazos, et al v. Sussex Insurance Company, et al. Brian Ring was an adjuster assigned by Sussex to investigate a hail and storm damage claim…
Homeowner’s Policy And Intentional Act
Insurance lawyers in Brock Texas need to understand what a homeowners policy covers and what it does not cover. A 1997, United States 5th Circuit opinion lets us know one of the occurrences not covered. The style of the opinion is, State Farm Fire & Casualty Company v. Fullerton. Fullerton…