
Dallas Fort Worth Insurance Lawyer Blog


ERISA = No Jury Trial

Most people who find themselves in court like to think they are entitled to a jury trial.  Claims against ERISA insurance policies is one of those places where a jury trial is not permitted.  A recent Southern District, Houston Division opinion illustrates this.  The opinion is styled, Deo G. Shanker…


Insurance Application Misrepresentations And Their Importance

Mason Texas insurance attorneys need to know a few basics about insurance law when discussing potential cases and the surrounding facts with a client. To begin with – When is a representation in an insurance application important?  According to a line of cases, including (1) a 2014 federal case styled,…


Homeowners Insurance – Accident Or Intentional?

Lawyers in Mason Texas who handle insurance claims know that many accidents are covered by a persons’ homeowners insurance.  But, intentional acts are not covered.  The Claims Journal published an article discussing this issue in January 2017.  The title of the article is, No Homeowner Liability Coverage For an Insured’s…


Life Insurance – To Void Policy, There Must Be Intent To Deceive

Mason life insurance lawyers must understand that for an insurance company to prevail on a defense of misrepresentation, the insurer must prove the intent to deceive.  This is discussed in a 2013, Dallas Court of Appeals opinion styled, Medicus Insurance Company v. Frederick Todd, II, M.D. Medicus provides medical malpractice…

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