It’s bad enough when private insurance companies mistreat life insurance beneficiaries but an April 2017, story from the Chicago Tribune shows that the U.S. Government does the same thing. The story is titled, USPS Agrees To $49 Million Settlement For ‘Dawdling” In Paying Life Insurance Beneficiaries. It’s bad enough for…
Dallas Fort Worth Insurance Lawyer Blog
Texas Slayer Statute
Life insurance lawyers know about Texas Insurance Code, Section 1103.151. Also known as the Texas Slayer Statute, it states: A beneficiary of a life insurance policy or contract forfeits the beneficiary’s interest in the policy or contract if the beneficiary is a principle or an accomplice in wilfully bringing about…
Remember – There Is An Obligation To Cooperate With Your Own Insurance Company When Making A Claim
Experienced insurance law lawyers in Hamilton, Texas, know the above is true. This obligation is illustrated in a 2017, hail damage claim opinion out of the Southern District, Houston Division. The opinion is styled, Metro Hospitality Partners, Ltd., d/b/a Crowne Plaza Hotel v. Lexington Insurance Company. When a business sues…
Insurance Policy Interpretation
Insurance lawyers need to understand how the Courts interpret insurance policies. The 1991, Texas Supreme Court opinion styled, National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA. v. Hudson Energy Company, Inc., is good reading on this subject. On May 23, 1980, Hudson, the president of Hudson Energy purchased a Cessna…
Bad Faith Insurance
For Texas insurance lawyers, here is a new opinion from the Texas Supreme Court. It is styled, Menchaca v. Texas Lloyds. This claim arises from an insured’s claim for losses sustained during Hurricane Ike. The insured sued USAA for (1) breach of contract and for (2) Unfair Settlement Practices under…
When Policies Are Ambiguous
What do Texas Courts do when a policy is ambiguous? Guidance on the answer is provided in a 2009, Texas Supreme Court opinion styled, Progressive County Mutual Insurance Company v. Regan Kelley. Regan Kelley was struck by a car while riding her horse. Medical expenses for her injuries are alleged…
Insurance Company Seeks Reimbursement?
The 2000, Texas Supreme Court opinion styled, Texas Association of Counties v. Matagorda County is a type of case not seen too often, but is worth knowing. Matagorda County had a liability policy with The Texas Association of Counties (TAC) for its law enforcement activities. The policy contained a “jail…
Can Coverage Be Expanded By Waiver?
What if someone with the insurance company does something to cause you to believe you have coverage that you do not have? Mason County lawyers should read this 2008, Texas Supreme Court opinion. It is styled, Ulico Casualty Company v. APA. In this case, the court considered what has become…
Beneficiary Of Life Insurance Policy May Assert Section 541.060 Claims
Irving life insurance lawyers need to know every little aspect of the law in order to properly represent their clients. A 1996, San Antonio Court of Appeals opinion deals with one of these “little” aspects of the law. The opinion is styled, Mendoza v. American National Insurance Company. Jerry Mendoza…
Who Is Insured Under A Policy
Llano County insurance lawyers need to keep up with how the Courts interpret insurance policies. The 5th Circuit issued an opinion worth reading in 2016. It is styled, AIG Specialty Insurance Co. v. Tesoro Corp. In this case the 5th Circuit had to decide whether a subsidiary not designated as…