
Dallas Fort Worth Insurance Lawyer Blog


Legislation And Insurance Companies

Hopefully Texas Hill Country insurance lawyers and their clients read this article in the Austin American Statesman, and reacted to it by calling their respective representatives.  The article is titled, Commentary: ‘Blue Tarp Bills’ Threaten Texas Property Owners. Your property rights are under assault at the Texas Capital.  Insurance lobbyists…


Federal Plans – Subrogation

Insurance lawyers understand subrogation policies.  Courthouse News Service published an article on April 18, 2017, that should be read.  It is titled, Justices Back Insurance Subrogation Policies. Reinforcing insurance subrogation provisions, the U.S. Supreme Court was unanimous Tuesday that federal regulations clearly put state laws second to such policies. The…


Family Member Exclusions – Where The Family Member Lives

Mineral Wells attorneys who handle underinsured motorist claims need to read this Austin Court of Appeals opinion.  It is styled, Johnson v. State Farm Automobile Insurance Company. This suit arises from a suit brought by Jerry Johnson seeking declarations construing the terms of two insurance policies following an automobile accident…

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