For Hail Claims layers, the Western District, Waco Division, issued an opinion in April 2017, that needs to be read. It is styled, Stephen Hahn v. United Fire and Casualty Company. Hahn suffered hail damage to his property after a recent hail storm and made a claim for damages. United…
Dallas Fort Worth Insurance Lawyer Blog
Legislation And Insurance Companies
Hopefully Texas Hill Country insurance lawyers and their clients read this article in the Austin American Statesman, and reacted to it by calling their respective representatives. The article is titled, Commentary: ‘Blue Tarp Bills’ Threaten Texas Property Owners. Your property rights are under assault at the Texas Capital. Insurance lobbyists…
Federal Plans – Subrogation
Insurance lawyers understand subrogation policies. Courthouse News Service published an article on April 18, 2017, that should be read. It is titled, Justices Back Insurance Subrogation Policies. Reinforcing insurance subrogation provisions, the U.S. Supreme Court was unanimous Tuesday that federal regulations clearly put state laws second to such policies. The…
Bad Faith – Texas Rules
Bad Faith insurance lawyers got a favorable ruling in the Texas Supreme Court recently. This is discussed in an article published by the Claims Journal. It is titled, Texas High Court Establishes Clear Rules For Breach Of Contract, Bad Faith Suits Against Insurers. In an effort to clear up confusion…
Family Member Exclusions – Where The Family Member Lives
Mineral Wells attorneys who handle underinsured motorist claims need to read this Austin Court of Appeals opinion. It is styled, Johnson v. State Farm Automobile Insurance Company. This suit arises from a suit brought by Jerry Johnson seeking declarations construing the terms of two insurance policies following an automobile accident…
Life Insurance And Divorce
Life Insurance Lawyers in the Dallas and Fort Worth area will see situations on a regular basis where the person who died had a life insurance policy naming the other spouse as the beneficiary – but there was a divorce later and the policy naming the ex-spouse was never changed. …
What If The Insurance Company Says The Claim Will Be Paid – ERISA
Insurance lawyers needs to know about this ERISA case. It is from the U.S. District Court, Southern District of Texas, Houston Division, and is styled, Houston Metro And Spine Surgery Center, LLC v. BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois, et al. Houston Metro alleges BCBS failed to pay for medical services it…
Homeowners Policies And Hail Claims
Parker county insurance lawyers will see lots of homeowners claims resulting from hail damage claims. When this occurs and the insurance company does not want to pay the claim and a lawsuit is filed, the likely result is the insurance company trying to have the case heard in Federal Court. …
ERISA And Administrative Review
ERISA lawyers can tell you how important the administrative record is when fighting adverse determinations in ERISA cases. This is illustrated in a 2017 case from the U.S. District Court, Southern District of Texas, Houston Division. The opinion is styled, Elaine Wilson v. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas.…
Exhausting Administrative Remedies – ERISA
Exhausting administrative remedies is the law when it comes to ERISA claims. This is again illustrated in a 2017 opinion from the U.S. 5th Circuit. The opinion is styled, Memorial Hermann Health System v. Southwest LTC, Limited Employee Benefits Plan; Southwest LTC, Limited. Memorial sued Southwest seeking payment of medical…