Who are those who have an insurable interest in the life of a person? The answer is usually obvious, but not always. Here’s an answer. Those who have an insurable interest in the life of another fall into three general classes: The first category is one so closely related by…
Articles Posted in Life Insurance
Insurable Interests?
Life insurance lawyers know that a beneficiary of a life insurance policy must have an “insurable interest” in the life of the insured. Those who have an insurable interest in the life of another fall into three general classes: (1) one so closely related by blood or affinity that he…
Who Can Recover Life Insurance Benefits “Slayer’s Rule”
What if the person who is the named beneficiary of a life insurance policy, intentionally caused the death of the insured? Who gets the money? Pursuant to the 1987, Texas Supreme Court opinion, Crawford v. Coleman, a beneficiary who willfully participates in bringing about the insured’s death, either as a…
Life Insurance Policies And Beneficiaries
Who is the named beneficiary primary beneficiary under the policy and will that person always be the person who receives the policy benefits is a question many life insurance attorneys are asked by prospective client. This issue is discussed in a 1981 Eastland Court of Appeals opinion styled, Pilot Life…
Life Insurance Benefits And Spouses
Are spouses always entitled to life insurance benefits when the other spouse dies? Life insurance lawyers need to be able to discuss this with prospective clients. One spouse can designate his or her estate as the beneficiary of the policy, at the expense of the other spouse, absent any showing…
Attorney Handling Life Insurance Claims That Are Denied – Beneficiary?
For attorneys handling life insurance claim, a 1998, opinion from the Corpus Christi Court of Appeals is a good read. The opinion is styled, Camp v. Camp. In this opinion, Rebecca Camp (“Rebecca”) appeals a summary judgment denying her the proceeds of her deceased husband’s term life insurance policy. Rebecca…
Life Insurance Denial Attorney – Exclusions
Life Insurance cases run a wide gamut of issues. Here is a 1997, Austin Court of Appeals decision that deals with the denial of life insurance benefits due to an aviation exclusion. The style of the case is, Board of Trustees of the Employees Retirement System of Texas v. Linda…
Life Insurance Claim Denial – Exclusions – (Suicide)
Life insurance claim denials are more common than most people realize. The majority of denials have to do with the allegation by the life insurance company that the insured misrepresented their health in the life insurance application. The second most common reason has to do with exclusions in the policy.…
Claim Denial Attorney – Accidental Death
Attorneys who handle claim denials in accidental death cases need to know the opinions handed down by the courts on these types of claim. Here is a 1997, opinion from the Dallas Court of Appeals. The opinion is styled, Grant v. Group Life & Health Insurance Company. Grant used a…
Life Insurance Attorney – Who Gets The Money?
Life Insurance lawyers will run into situations where a life insurance company knows they owe the life insurance proceeds but they are unsure who is entitled to the money. There are many ways this can arise such as a beneficiary isn’t named or the person named as a beneficiary has…