Dallas life insurance lawyers probably already know this case. It is a 1992, 5th Circuit opinion styled, Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. v. Teddy White v Leslie Yohey. Leslie Yohey appeals an adverse summary judgment dismissing his claim for life insurance proceeds against Metropolitan. Terri Yohey was the named insured under…
Articles Posted in Life Insurance
Who Recovers Life Insurance Benefits When The Beneficiary Is Responsible For The Death Of The Insured
Life insurance lawyers will be faced with the above question more times than would be imagined. Fortunately the question is answered in the Texas Insurance Code and in Federal law cases. One example is a case from the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division. The opinion is styled, American National…
Willful Killing Of The Insured
Life Insurance lawyers in Fort Worth need to read this Fort Worth Court of Appeals opinion from 1969. The case is styled, Giles et al. v Wiggins et al. The court discusses the required evidence necessary to invoke the “slayer statute” which is today found in the Texas Insurance Code,…
Beneficiary Causing The Death Of The Insured
Arlington life insurance lawyers should read this 1918 case. It is still good law with good reasoning. It is from the Beaumont Court of Appeals and is styled, Murchison et al. v. Murchison et al. The case says: It was alleged in the petition that G.R. Murchison was the father,…
Willful Killing Of The Insured
Life insurance attorneys will someday see a situation where the beneficiary on a life insurance policy is also the person who killed the insured. Can they recover the life insurance benefits? The Texas Supreme Court addressed that situation in a 1949 case styled, Greer et al. v. Franklin Life Insurance…
Viatical Settlements
Here is something for life insurance lawyers to read. It is from the Texas Department of Insurance web-site. Subchapter R. VIATICAL AND LIFE SETTLEMENTS 28 TAC §§3.1701 – 3.1717 The Commissioner of Insurance adopts amendments to §§3.1701 – 3.1703, 3.1705, 3.1707 – 3.1715, and new §§3.1704, 3.1706, 3.1716, and 3.1717…
Federal Court And The Slayer Statute
Weatherford life insurance lawyers know that the “Slayer Statute” works the same in Federal Court as in State Court. A 1986, opinion from the Northern District of Texas says so. The style of the case is, American Nat. Ins. Co. v. Huckleberry. This case is before the court on the…
Things To Know About Life Insurance
Texas life insurance lawyers who keep up with the world of life insurance will find this article interesting. It is from Forbes. The article is titled, 10 Things You Absolutely Need To Know About Life Insurance. Life insurance is one of the pillars of personal finance, deserving of consideration by…
When Does Self-Defense Work In The Slayer Statute
Arlington life insurance lawyers need to know how self-defense works in the Slayer Statute. The Slayer Statute is found today in the Texas Insurance Code, Section 1103.151. A case discussing self-defense is a Fort Worth Court of Appeals opinion styled, Crawford v. Coleman. Cornelius Shoaf appeals a judgment denying him…
Contingent Beneficiary Receiving Life Insurance Proceeds
Parker County life insurance lawyers need to read and understand this 1992, Houston Court of Appeals [14th Dist.] opinion. It is styled, Francis v. Marshall. This is an appeal from a summary judgment granted in favor of appellee, Doris E. Marshall. She brought suit to recover as a beneficiary under…