Life insurance lawyers know about Texas Insurance Code, Section 1103.151. Also known as the Texas Slayer Statute, it states: A beneficiary of a life insurance policy or contract forfeits the beneficiary’s interest in the policy or contract if the beneficiary is a principle or an accomplice in wilfully bringing about…
Articles Posted in Life Insurance
Beneficiary Of Life Insurance Policy May Assert Section 541.060 Claims
Irving life insurance lawyers need to know every little aspect of the law in order to properly represent their clients. A 1996, San Antonio Court of Appeals opinion deals with one of these “little” aspects of the law. The opinion is styled, Mendoza v. American National Insurance Company. Jerry Mendoza…
Life Insurance – Taking Delivery
Texas Hill Country life insurance lawyers will tell you that a life insurance policy has to be read carefully. This even means that the initial application has to also be read very carefully. This is illustrated in a 1999, San Antonio Court of Appeals opinion. The opinion is styled, Carolyn…
Life Insurance Application
Granbury life insurance lawyers need to read this 1975, Texas Supreme Court opinion. It is styled, Johnson v. Prudential Insurance Company of America. This is a suit to collect benefits under a group life insurance policy. Prudential resisted payment based on their assertion that the deceased willfully deceived the company…
Life Insurance Misrepresentation – Age
The Galveston Court of Appeals issued an opinion in 1938 that is still good law. The case is styled, Texas State Life Insurance Company v. Freeman Barton. This is an appeal from a trial to the Judge wherein Texas State was ordered to pay the life insurance proceeds to the…
Life Insurance Sitting Around?
Have you ever wondered if someone has left you an insurance policy you do not know about. The Los Angeles Times published an article in March 2017, that you might find interesting. It is titled, How To Score A Piece Of California’s $365 Million In Unclaimed Life Insurance Benefits. It…
Life Insurance And Citizenship Status And ERISA
Llano life insurance agents need to know about this case from the United States 5th Circuit. It is a 2011 opinion styled, Araceli Medina Garcia v. American United Life Insurance Company. Araceli’s husband, Salvador, died in a car accident. He had a policy with American through his employer. The policy…
Life Insurance Policy – Misrepresentation And Cause Of Death
Dallas and Tarrant County life insurance lawyers should read this case from 1932. It is important to point out that this case has been disapproved by a later court but the idea behind the case is still relevant to arguing similar facts. The case is styled, First Texas Prudential Insurance…
Mason Life Insurance Lawyers
If you are a Mason County Texas life insurance lawyer, here is a 1967, Tyler Court of Appeals opinion you need to know. The opinion is styled, Southern Life & Health Insurance Company v. Gordon Grafton. This lawsuit resulted from the denial of life insurance benefits from Southern Life to…
Wrong Age On Insurance Application
What can happen when the wrong age is on a life insurance application? If you are a Mason County insurance lawyer, you should read this Northern District, Dallas Division, opinion. It is styled, Jackson National Life Insurance Company v. Lance Robbins, et al. On a prior opinion in this case,…