
Articles Posted in Life Insurance


Life Insurance – Other Requirements For Misrepresentation Defense

Arlington life insurance lawyers know the requirements insurance companies must meet to successfully defend a life insurance case based on the defense of misrepresentation.  Misrepresentation in the policy application is the most common reason for denial of a claim for benefits. The Texas Insurance Code, Sections 705.001 to 705.005, prohibits…


Life Insurance – Misrepresentation In The Application

Grand Prairie life insurance lawyers know that for a life insurance company to establish misrepresentation as a defense for refusing to pay on a claim, that the life insurance company must plead and prove five elements:  the making of the misrepresentation;  the falsity of the misrepresentation;  reliance on the misrepresentation…


Life Insurance – Exclusions

The Texas Insurance Code, Section 1101.055 limits the permissible life insurance exclusions to suicide, stated hazardous occupations, and aviation activities.  Courts have construed this list to render void other exclusions, such as one excluding a loss caused by a preexisting condition.  This preexisting condition exclusion is discussed in the 1921…


Life Insurance And Slayer’s Rule

Pursuant to Texas Insurance Code, Section 1103.151 and Section 887.205, a life insurance beneficiary who willfully participates in bringing about the insured’s death, either as a principle or as an accomplice, forfeits any right to benefits.  The benefits are payable to any innocent contingent beneficiary or to the insured’s nearest…

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