Experienced Life Insurance Attorneys need to understand the areas of dispute that arise in the context of life insurance. Life insurance is fairly straightforward. If the insured dies during the policy term, the insurance company pays the benefits. The following are some ways that disputes may arise. a. The life…
Articles Posted in Life Insurance
Fraud By The Insurance Agent
Life Insurance lawyers who read this Blog, or for that matter, anybody who reads this Blog eventually learns that there are many wrongs an insurance agent will commit to get a sale. Most of their income from an insurance company is based on getting a percentage of the premiums. In…
Life Insurance Claim Denial – Types Of Life Insurance
Life insurance lawyers need to be aware of the common types of life insurance. Common life insurance types are term, whole life, and universal life. “Term” policies simply provide a death benefit in return for a premium payment. at the end of the policy year, or “term,” the insurance ends,…
Life Insurance Denied
Life Insurance Lawyers need to start out with some basic knowledge. This Blog site provides a lot of information that is vital to know when a life insurance claim is being denied. Here is some very elementary information. Life insurance pays a stated amount of benefits to the beneficiary upon…
Life Insurance Lawyers – Misrepresentation
The Amarillo Court of Appeals issued an opinion on August 24, 2021, that is important to anyone having a life insurance claim denied due to an allegation that there was a misrepresentation made in the insurance application. The style of the opinion is, Arce v. American National Insurance Company. In…
Life Insurance Attorney And Intent To Deceive In The Application
Life Insurance Attorneys can discuss the present state of the law in Texas as it relates to life insurance policies that are governed by State Law. However, as of the date of this post, there is a new case in the Texas Supreme Court which may change the law or…
Accidental Death Insurance Claim Denied
Accidental Death Insurance claim denials are all too common. This type of insurance is usually very inexpensive. This is for a couple of reasons. One is the vast majority of people die for reasons unrelated to an accident. The other is the policies have exclusionary language in them excluding coverage…
Claims Denial Attorney – Life Insurance – Divorce
Life Insurance claims and Divorce. Shall the two never intertwine. Here is a 2022, opinion from the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division, that will drive a life insurance attorney crazy. The opinion is styled, Amy Cannon v. Mae Katheryn Bryant. This case is a life insurance case. The insured…
ERISA And Life Insurance
Here is an opinion from the United States 5th Circuit dealing with ERISA. This particular case discusses the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). While the case is not a life insurance case, the ruling would also apply to life insurance situations. The style of the case is…
Who Is Entitled To The Life Insurance Proceeds
It is often times very difficult to answer the titled question. When there us uncertainty as to who is entitled to life insurance proceeds there is a process by which the life insurance company can “interplead” the life insurance proceeds into the registry of the Court. These are situation where…