
Articles Posted in Interpreting An Insurance Policy


Farming And Ranching Insurance Policies

Mineral Wells insurance lawyers are in an agriculture setting and thus are more likely to see insurance situations involving farm and ranch insurance policies. A U.S. District Court case from the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division should be read. It is styled, Mid-Continent Casualty Company v. BFH Mining, Ltd.…


Policy Exclusions And City Ordinances

Everman insurance lawyers need to be know this 2015, Texas Supreme Court opinion. It is styled, Jaw The Point, L.L.C. v. Lexington Insurance Company. This insurance dispute involves losses the insured incurred as a result of city ordinances triggered by damage to an apartment complex during Hurricane Ike. The insurance…


What Is A “Motor Vehicle” In An Insurance Policy

Duncanville insurance lawyers will find that the definitions in insurance policies often have their own meaning. So, what is the definition of “motor vehicle” as it relates to an insurance policy? A 1977, Texas Supreme Court opinion helps. It is styled, Slaughter v. Abilene State School et al. Slaughter, while…


Mineral Wells Home Owners Claim

Mineral Wells insurance attorneys probably already know about this case. It is an Eastland Court of Appeals case styled, Spurlock v Beacon Lloyds Insurance Company. This case involves the interpretation of a homeowner’s insurance policy. The Court had to construe a policy to determine if coverage exists for a personal…

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