
Articles Posted in Claims Denial


Duty To Cooperate Under Texas Insurance Law

Before discussing the topic of this writing, a little side note. When suing insurance companies, they of course do not want to be sued, but when that happens they prefer to fight their battles in Federal Court rather than State Court. The Plaintiffs, who are the people usually suing the…


How Do You Know What You Are Entitled To When You Make An Insurance Claim In Texas?

The above title is a good question. Here is my good answer. See an attorney who handles Insurance Law issues. A Dallas County case decided in 2008, confronted this issue when trying to decide what “replacement” meant in an insurance policy issued by three underwriters on some apartments. On July…


Wife (Ex-wife), Spouse Named As Beneficiary In A Texas Insurance Policy

Every time a Texas resident in the Dallas Fort Worth area purchases a life insurance policy they are going to be asked who they want to be named as the beneficiary of the insurance policy. The beneficiary “is the person to whom the insurance policy is payable“. The beneficiary can…


How Do I Know What My Rights Are In Texas With My Insurance Policy?

For the most part insurance companies are regulated by State Law. Federal Laws in the insurance industry exist but I’m not going to talk about that here. You just need to know right now that if you are in Texas, that any insurance policy you have is probably controlled by…


Texas Insurance Law On How Claims Are Paid

In 1929, a case was decided that has had deep effects on the claims handling process in Texas. The case was G. A. Stowers Furniture Company vs American Indemnity Company. The case arose out of a situation in Galveston, Texas, but applies to any place in Texas including Dallas, Fort…

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